Wellmoor Community Allotment

growing for wellbeing

The allotment was the idea of our local GPs: they wanted to be able to ‘prescribe’ outdoor work to patients suffering from a range of health problems, mental and physical. Wellmoor took on the task of getting the plot up and running in July 2019, and since then the aLLOTMENT HAS GONE FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH!

We run working parties every Wednesday 2.30-4.30 pm.

Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. It is a great chance to meet new people, share ideas and knowledge, have tea and home-made cake. We often cook soup at the allotment and have sharing lunches.

We also run workshops and events through the year, including art, music and growing workshops.

The key aims and objectives of our allotment are:

  1. We want people to feel the benefits of being outside and connecting with nature, other people and the food they eat.

  2. We want to involve the whole community. We’d especially like to encourage cross-generational interaction.

  3. Learning about healthy eating and seasonal, local food will be central to our work.

  4. Maintaining and encouraging healthy biodiversity on the plot will underlie everything we do. We’ll be keeping a careful balance between our human needs and those of the rest of our community- pollinators, birds, insects and soil flora, to name a few.

  5. Creativity is so important for wellbeing. We’d like it to be a key part of the learning and community building that happens on the plot.   

In everything we do we’ll be sharing knowledge, improving skills and building relationships to raise awareness of a variety of issues related to the interconnected issues of health, food and the natural world.

If you would like to get involved - please give us a call on 01647 478378 or email torie@wellmoor.org.uk