Active Moreton


During the summer months this year, Wellmoor is offering subsidised or free memberships to physical activities and groups in Moretonhampstead through the Active Moreton project, which is a collaboration between Wellmoor, local GPs, the Swimming Pool and Sports Centre in Moretonhampstead.


At Wellmoor’s health & wellbeing advisory group in April, it was suggested that the exercise facilities in Moretonhampstead, such as the Sports Centre and Swimming Pool, would collaborate more closely with Wellmoor to promote these services in the community.


The Active Moreton scheme is available on referral to people living in Moretonhampstead, Manaton and North Bovey, who have not previously accessed these resources or would find accessing them difficult for financial reasons.


There are several opportunities to choose from, including a free 1 month gym membership  to Moretonhampstead Sports Centre, a 10 Swim ticket for Moretonhampstead Swimming Pool, or exercise sessions such as Pilates. 


If you have any question about the Active Moreton scheme, you can get in touch with Wellmoor at or 01647 478378.